In Case You Were Curious… How to Water a Plant… The Right Way
Since my last post was about my newly acquired plants (that I am desperately trying not to kill), I thought it fitting to make a post about how to water them. Properly of course.
You may be asking, “why does she think it necessary to inform me on such a meaninglessly simple action.” You my friend are exactly who I’m making this for.
Ready or not: How to Water a Plant: Step-By-Step with Pictures
Step 1
Check outside to see if it’s raining. If not wait until it starts raining to proceed to the next step.
As you can clearly not tell from this picture, it is semi-torrentially down-pouring outside, and has been for days.
Step 2
Select your watering container of choice.
Ideally you’d have a watering can or a jar or in this case (all I have lying around) a two cup measuring cup.
Step 3
Find a good steady drip coming off the roof and hold whatever you’ve decided to catch the water in underneath it.
This is best done in full view of the neighbors. I’m sure the people who live in this house think that I’m insane because of some of the stuff they’ve undoubtedly seen me do. This, however, is a good thing. One of my New Year’s Resolutions was to do something embarrassing every day. Standing outside on my deck with a measuring cup upheld beneath the roof drip off seemed like a good way to go today.
I didn’t think of it at the time but I should have been singing “Singin' in the Rain” in the rain. That would have really topped the whole thing off nicely.
Step 4
Once you’ve got your desired amount of water, your arm is getting sore from holding the container in the air, or your hand is too cold to continue any longer, you can come back inside.
I think I got a cup and a half; more or less.
Divide the water over which so ever plants are in need of water.
Repeat this process until all of your plants are sufficiently hydrated. Then get a drink yourself (probably not of rain water, but water nonetheless, your hydration is equally important to that of your plants).
Step 6
And this one shouldst not be skipped. Wash out your measuring cup (if that’s what you used, if not then I guess it’s not that important), because you don’t know what was on that roof before it was washed off by the rain.
Well there you have it. Another successful tutorial.
I promise I’ll get back to sewing here very soon, until then this will be the content you didn’t know you signed up for.
Have a beautiful day.