In the Words of My Sister, “I don’t even know what to say…”
If you are in any way a germaphobe, germaphobic, or in any other way grossed out by germs. I suggest you leave and find some other blog post more likened to your intended viewing intentions.
Seriously though, I usually joke about leaving before finishing reading one of my posts, but this time I am really 100% serious.
If you have decided to continue boldly onward, then well, don’t complain to me that you weren’t warned. Oh wait…
There, now you’ve been warned.
It all began on a soggy day as I traipsed across the street from my car to my front door, lugging a vacuum, a caddy full of cleaning supplies, a bag full of (more) cleaning supplies, and a mop precariously balanced on top of it all. Did I mention the rain? If not, it was RAINING. Very hard and had been for a while. It was because of this fact that I was looking at the ground so as not to step in a puddle with my holey (get it), beat-up Converse sneakers.
This downward focused approach to walking allowed me to notice more things on the ground. For example, there was a nearly broken tube of what looked like lip shimmer (I don’t know what they’re called, I don’t use it. Lip gloss, lip balm, lipstick, all of the above? It was one of those). I picked this little tube up and examined it, thought it was kind of a nice color, and *spoilers.* (10 points to anyone who gets that reference. To everyone else, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry).
Ideally the top would not be broken off like that. At least I’m pretty sure that’s not the intended way of things.
As you can sort of see here, there was really a good deal of the stuff left.
In addition, there was the added bonus of some dirt and mud worked into the seams.
Naturally, I put some on, took a nice picture, and then made a video about it.
Guys some day I may start actually paying for Animoto so that I can remove that annoying watermark on all of my videos, but until that day, they will be what they will be. #lifeofacheapskate
That then concludes my adventure for the day.
Guys, chill it’s really not that bad. Kissing spreads less germs than shaking hands. Look it up. It’s just simple science. Face it, our mouths are cleaner than our hands (which now that I’ve said that, makes sense…). Besides that color looks super good on me and I didn’t have to buy it. It’s a win win.
Happy New Year! Spend it well and be yourself!