My friend (who was graciously helping me through the struggles of creating a blog post) told me I needed a title for this post, so asked
“What should I title it”
“Anything,” was her reply and thus the title came about to be “Anything”
Now back to the content you originally signed up for.
Things during quarantine...
Grapefruit and coffee are essential to everyday life (change my mind)
When you have all the time to everything you ever want you end up doing nothing you actually want
A retractable tape measure makes an excellent fencing sword and provides hours of entertainment
Haikus are a great way to express some deep thoughts
Piranhas are tough
Coronavirus is too
An original work from yours truly and quite deep and meaningful. If you want to try the format is super simple: Three lines; five syllables, seven syllables, and five again. They can be beautiful or nonsensical, just have a blast.
When you're trapped in your house for days on end with your best friend random stuff gets said
If you go to a grocery store at seven o'clock in the evening and the poor teenage boys, who likely haven't talked to a girl in weeks ask what you're looking for, don't give them specifics because when you check out with your Tillamook ice cream, chocolate bars, and sorbet you might get the classic "those don't look like avocados" line
Some songs MUST be played over and over and over and over and over and (you get the idea) just because what other music would you possibly listen to? You’re already going insane just give yourself that extra nudge over the edge. This was one in particular that I had on repeat for three days
Wearing sweat pants all day gets to be a bit of a drag
Don't put tanning lotion on and then take a walk in the rain in a fancy dress
When there's something that actually needs to be done i.e. school, blogging suddenly becomes much more interesting
That is by no means a comprehensive list of everything gleaned from the quarantine experience but I can't remember any of the others at this moment and I'm sure there will be more to come.
“The greatest adventure is what lies ahead”
-J.R.R. Tolkein