Wallpapering my new Bathroom
This is going to be short, sweet, and to the point, because this project didn’t take me long at all and it’s hardly worth sharing apart from the fact that I need content.
I moved.
That makes 7 times since I started this blog.
If you pay very close attention to my posts the backgrounds change quite often. I think for at least the next year I will be in the same place. Hallelujah!
Anyhow, I moved into this new little apartment. It’s adorable and I love it and I’m so grateful to have found it. Oh and did I mention it’s adorable. There are, however, a few things that need touched up to make it feel like home.
One of those things was the bathroom.
It felt really small and dingy. Even after a solid two hours of scrubbing the tile, it still just didn’t feel right.
Therefore, the only solution was to change the walls (and by change I mean not actually change just temporarily alter it for the time I’m living there).
Oh and this thing under the mirror looked really bad so I took a picture of it because I didn’t know if I was going to do anything with it or not…
Enter, removable wallpaper. Otherwise known as contact paper. Otherwise known as probably more trouble than it’s worth but it kinda looks cool anyway so may as well.
The here is that the backing just peals off, you stick the paper to the wall, and voila, perfect walls. Only there’s a lot more skill involved like lining up the pattern and forcing rolled paper to lay flat and cutting around all the obstacles present on that one tiny chunk of wall.
There it is.
It looks really great if you squint or have bad eyesight. Really though, if you just ignore some of the bad alignments and splicing, it looks really nice.
It also brightened the room up significantly. Overall, it just makes it feel more like my home.
I also lined this with some of the left over pieces.
While I did like the rust aesthetic, this look just feels a little safer.
And that’s that. There are more home improvement projects in the works so stay tuned for those over the next couple weeks.