Flower Skirt Reformation
I made a goal the other week that I am going to do a blog post every Friday or maybe Sunday. At least so I get a post a week. They’re probably going to be short clothing alterations, stories, or random thoughts and then every month or so I’ll do one of my big projects. Just a way to keep something happening around here.
That being said this should have been posted Friday but I was freezing to death in Columbia Falls, Montana and just didn’t have the time.
I was going to post about a dress that I turned into a skirt. However, I’ll ask you to take a minute and remember the wedding dress tragedy…
“However, as my many lovely pictures were taking their once in a life time pilgrimage from my phone to my laptop, they got waylaid and ejected into a black hole. No one has seen them since.”
So that didn’t happen again.
A much worse, nay far more cataclysmic event transpired.
While in the process of moving a vast majority of my pictures to different storage places on my computer as my phone was nearly out of storage space for them all, they vanished.
That’s right.
All 635 photos I had from the past two to three years on that phone… gone.
To my horror, I also discovered that all of the pictures I have taken while pet sitting over the past few months were also gone (keep in mind I’d moved these weeks ago and I have no idea how they ended up deleted).
Then sadly I discovered that all of the photos I had taken of my skirt transformation were also gone.
It’s been a sad day.
On the bright side I know have a lot of room on my phone to take new pictures now that my camera roll is completely empty.
Since I completely altered the aforementioned dress, I don’t have any pictures of what the original looked like (I mean I did but technology conspired against me to do away with them).
Nevertheless, I this doodle mostly represents what the dress looked like (as modeled by a plant) before I chopped it apart.
Oh and I did have a video of that process, which didn’t get deleted, but in my hour of distress I deemed it necessary to delete that as well. On purpose this time. It’s like when you have no control over everything happening and thus have to take control over what you can.
So yeah, that’s gone forever too.
Fortunately, I zoned out about half way through doing this skirt and forgot that I was actually trying to tell about the process. I only lost five photos for it. One showing the dress before, one showing the seam line that I cut a deodorant’s stick width away from, and one showing the disembodied button.
Anyhow, the end result in pictures.
As you can tell these pictures look more professional than my usual ones. Well that’s mainly because I had one of my friends taking them for me. It’s much easier than trying to be cameraman and model at the same time.
There’s a good detail picture of what the skirt looked like.
Fun fact: the back of the dress is the front of the skirt and the front is the back. But you probably already figured that out after looking at my artistic recreation.