A Compilation of Small, Random Projects I did Around Christmas and New Years and January
This is a photograph I took Christmas Eve of the Beaverhead Mountains in Salmon, Idaho. Ironically, none of these projects were accomplished in Salmon.
What’s the point of this post? I’m not sure. I’m out of content ideas and haven’t had time to sew anything *ehem, haven’t had the motivation to sew anything.
It’s winter, and grey all day long.
Instead of sewing, I’ve been doing random painting projects. Literally anything I could paint or repaint I did. That phase is over now and I’ve moved on to other things. Still not sewing, but I do have a big project planned in a couple weeks, so you can look forward to that.
So rapid fire, here’s the things I sort of created.
That clear orb turned into a blue winter scene, with a few oddly large snowflakes scattered about. I was going to turn it into something really cool and ornate, but I liked this better (and I don’t have the patience to figure out how to make those really cool designs).
If you remember back to my 1950’s dress post, I mentioned my pink chair. One day I was just sitting in it and found a tissue that I was pretty sure I hadn’t put there. After some investigations, I came up with this pin, a paper coin thing with a curious elephant on it, a red plastic button (or something like that), a full Kleenex (properly crumpled and shredded), and a dime. It was a very exciting discovery due mainly to the fact that I was pretty sick rendering me mildly delusional.
Anyhow, I forgot to take a picture before I slapped a coat of paint on it, but it looked exactly like my artistic rendering. I used multiple layers of paint and Mod Podge to give it dimension. I might try and turn that into an ornament as well.
Then I made matching necklaces for my sister and I to commemorate seeing a dolphin in Florida. These were originally earrings. I did feel a little bad about taking them apart, but I got them on sale and honestly they were too big for earrings anyway.
These were so easy to make, I won’t insult your intelligence by explaining it, other than to say, finding the perfect necklace chain was impossible. Which is why I had to buy the component parts and put them all together. I do have plenty of necklace making material now though.
Oh and I got a tripod!
That’s all for now, stay tuned for Sunday to see something amazing!
Happy Sunday, or whatever day of the week you read this on.